Sunday, April 1, 2018

Good Reviews or Bad Can’s Keep a Great Company Down

The main reason why Yelp, Twitter, YouTube and other online platforms exist is to encourage the thefree expression of speech. The advancement of technology and social media fame has made the free flow of information as everyday bread, though with little effect on the power and importance of communication. The technology has made it easy for billions of individuals across the globe to receive and send information instantly, making it a world where anyone is free to spread news and commentary. This lead to some forums for unimpeded communication and heated public debates where speakers are able to have millions of audience across the globe while listeners can access any information they need.

However, sometimes, frustrated individuals use the social media platform to deliver their retaliation. It is nowadays common to come across comments on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms that can be easily misinterpreted. With the freedom of using malicious links and aggressive back-link spamming, it is hasty to ruin a reputation of a company and bury it deep in the search results.
Acknowledging Importance of reviews
The value of reviews goes beyond advising consumers, increasing company’s exposure and accessibility. The majority of the top companies, for instance, Montway car transport company prefers linking their company’s reviews from their websites. Not that all of the reviews are positive, but because, many reliable and reputable businesses acknowledge the value of reviews and how they contribute to exceptional customer service.
There is no secret about this; bad reviews just happen. And it is hurtful seeing your customers saying bad things about your business in social media. The fact is that each and every business works very hard to please its customer and it can hard to deal with as well as demoralizing to see some of the customers so upset with the business that they chose to share it with the whole world.

The first rule to deal with negative reviews is to avoid taking them personally. That is because, as your business expands, there will be more and more of them. For instance, let us assume you have 100 reviews, and five of them are bad, and you allow those five to get to you, then how will you manage to deal with 500 bad reviews out of 10, 000 reviews? However, learning to approach the negative reviews can be beneficial to your business.

Reviews can link to lawsuits
Despite the given freedom of the consumers sharing their honest experience about the products, exaggeration or misinterpretation of the details can land the reviewer into a lawsuit. Noteworthy is that not all negative reviews are bad for the business. There are some legitimate and helpful reviews that provide truthful observation and opinions that can be used by the business to improve their services or products, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. However, when you lie or exaggerate about a business to bring it down, the business has a right of taking you to court and charging you with fraud and defamation.
By definition, fraud is a deceitful presentation of the truth of the matter, by pointing misleading allegations. For instance, using the phrases such as “liar” or “crook” without tangible evidence to prove your allegation can be land you in trouble. Effective resolution of such lawsuits is becoming increasingly common on both sides.

In 2006, a Florida woman won a court case against a Louisiana woman over calling her a “crook” in an online forum. In 2013 November, a certain home contractor sued a customer for online defamation. The court ordered the reviewer to remove some of the negative and inaccurate statements from the Yelp review. However, the contractor was not rewarded as he also reacted negatively to the customer’s negative review, hence defaming the homeowner as well.

Limits to free speech
The fact that we are living in a free world does not imply that you have the right to utter anything, anywhere or anytime without consequences. The freedom of free speech in the constitution limits a person from saying false and misleading information, or either in writing or through verbal communication and may subject the person to civil liability.

Reviewers are advised to support their negative reviews with an evidence as this will be seen as the truth. Hence no lawsuit defamation will be filed. However, taking a bad experience out of proportion and turning it into a huge drama can result in charges. Even if you had a bad experience, skip the exaggeration, avoid bombast, and do not rant about it.
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